Sep 5th, Shameful Tiki, Toronto, 1378 Queen West, 9-11pm https://shamefultikiroom.com/toronto/
Sep 21st, Collingwood Art Crawl, Sat 7-9pm 1858 Cesar Bar, Collingwood, On. http://collingwoodartcrawl.com/
Sep 27th, The Casbah, 306 King Street West, Hamilton On. 9:00 pm https://casbahlounge.ca/
Sep 29th, Bayfield Volkfest, Bayfield, On., 2:30 pm https://www.facebook.com/BayfieldVolkfest/
Oct 4th, Farm to Fork, 4th Line Cattle Company, Texas Longhorn Ranch, 5682 4th Line, Hillsburgh, On., https://www.4thlinecattleco.ca/
Oct 13th, Goodlot Farmstead Brewing Company, 2:30-5:30, http://www.goodlot.beer/
Oct 23rd, Bound for Greatness, Outward Bound Gala, Evergreen Brickworks, Toronto, http://www.outwardbound.ca/getText.asp?type=Pages&ID=244
Nov 8th, Revival 1863, 35 Armstrong St, Orangeville, On., 9:00 pm https://revival1863.com/home/
Previous Shows:
Aug 24th, Georgian Triangle Music Festival, https://www.georgiantrianglemusicfest.com/
Aug 22nd, Special guest of Bill Poss & Mike T. Kerr at Brothers Brewing in Guelp, On. https://www.brothersbrewingcompany.ca/
Aug 3rd,, Barley Vine Rail, Orangeville, Ont. https://thebvrco.com/home/
July 27, Music in the Market, Wasaga Beach Events, Wasaga Beach, ON https://www.wasagabeach.com/events
July 26th, Erin Farmers Market https://villageoferin.com/market/
July 6th Cherry Fest, Kitchener, On, Cherry Park Neighbourhood Association, Kitchener http://cherrypark.blogspot.com/
June 29th, Canadiana Music Festival, Jay Kipps on Harp with The Vaudevillian and Ginger St. James https://www.facebook.com/events/goderich-ontario/canadiana-fest/2602082649806908/
June 28th, Erin Farmers Market, https://villageoferin.com/market/
June 21st, Moccasin Creek Festival , Effingham Illinois USA, Guest of Feather http://www.moccasincreekfestival.com/
Jun 9th Jay Kipps Band Sun 12 PM · Caledon County Fair, Caledon Village Fairgrounds, Caledon https://www.caledonfair.ca/
Jun 8, Erin Horse Day, Erin Agricultural Center, Erin, Ont https://www.erinfair.com/
Jun 2nd, Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival, https://orangevillebluesandjazz.ca/ at Mochaberry
Jun 1st, The Hatter / Orangeville Blues & Jazz Fest https://orangevillebluesandjazz.ca/ , The Hatter Orangeville http://hatterpub.com/
June 1st, Jay Kipps Band /Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival, https://orangevillebluesandjazz.ca/ RustiK local bistro, Orangeville
May 31st, Mad Hatter/ Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival https://orangevillebluesandjazz.ca/ , The Hatter, Orangeville http://hatterpub.com/
May 8th, Jay Kipps Family Band at Tottenham Bluegrass Festival http://www.tottenhambluegrass.com/
April 7th, Bands for Boobs, The Casbah, Hamilton Ontario https://casbahlounge.ca/
April 19th, Songsmiths’ Saloon, Mochaberry, Orangeville, Ontario
March 7th, Cherry Cola’s Rock ‘n Rolla Cabaret & Lounge, https://cherrycolascabaret.com/
Feb 5th Doors Taco Joint & Metal Bar, Jay Kipps guest of Terrible & The Horribles https://www.facebook.com/doorsmetalbar/
Feb 10th, Barley Vine Rail re-opening, guest of MIP Power Trio https://www.mipsmusic.com/
Jan 11th, Jay Kipps solo, Mochaberry, Orangeville https://mochaberry.ca/
Dec 31st, Cuba, guest of Ribalta y su Guararey Band
Dec 9th, Jay Kipps Family Band, Dufferin County Museum Christmas Show
Nov 13th, Songwriters in the Lounge, The Casbah, Hamilton, On https://casbahlounge.ca/
Oct 28th w/ Snow Heel Slim, Haunted Hamilton Harbour Tour aboard Hamilton Harbour Queen http://www.haunted-hamilton.com/hauntedcruise/
Nov 13th, The Casba, Hamilton https://casbahlounge.ca/
Sept 30th, Bayfest , Vintage Volkswagen Vehicle Festival, Bayfield Ontario, Lake Huron www.villageofbayfield.com/
Sep 22nd, Crow Bar and Variety , Collingwood Ontario, Guest of the Honeyrunners https://www.crowvariety.ca/
Sep 20th Mochaberry
Sep 30th, Bayfest Vintage Volkswagen Vehicle Festival, Bayfield Ontario, Lake Huron www.villageofbayfield.com/
August 31st-Sep 1st, Lorusopoloza, Magnetawan Ontario
August 22. Fred Eaglesmith Charity Picnic, Jay Kipps guest harp player with Conor Gains
August 12th, Savour Fair, Fundraiser for Headwaters Food & Farming Alliance HHFA
August 11th, Wasaga Beach, 1:00-3:00 and 4:00-6:00 https://www.wasagabeach.com/events
July 22, Orangeville Rotary Rib Fest, 1:00-2:30, Orangeville Ontario www.orangevilleribfest.com/entertainment
July 14th Islandpooluza, Island Lake Conservation Area, Floating Stage, Orangeville (Mono) Ont. 3:00-3:45 https://www.facebook.com/events/468114203644384/
July 7th Waterloo Ontario, Cherry Fest, Cherry Park Neighbourhood 4:00 - 5:00 cherrypark.blogspot.com/
July 2nd "It's Your Festival" Festival, Hamilton Ontario, Emerging Artist Showcase https://itsyourfestival.ca/
June 16th 35th Annual Tottenham Bluegrass Festival, Family Band Competition www.tottenhambluegrass.com/performance-schedule/
June 16th Shelburne Street Festival, Shelburne, Ontario https://shelburnestreetfest.com/
June 9th Mobster Ball, Hamilton Ontario with Ginger St. Games and Snowheel Slim http://www.haunted-hamilton.com/mobsterball/
June 3rd, Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival, 2:00-2:45, TD Tent https://orangevillebluesandjazz.ca/event/jay-kipps-band-2/?instance_id=643
June 2nd, Jay Kipps, Solo, Mochaberry, Orangeville, Ontario https://mochaberry.ca/
May 20th, Jay Kipps guest of Snowheel Slim, Come Together Festival, Ghost town, Main Stage, Markdale, Ontario http://cometogethermusicfest.ca/
May 19th, Goderich Downtown Shuffle, Americana Festival, Goderich, Ontario https://www.southwesternontario.ca/events/8324560--goderich-downtown-shuffle/
May 12th, Canada Music Week, The House of Wayward Women, Toronto, Ontario
March 31st, Jay Kipps, Guest of The Vaudevillian, Lou Dawgs, Hess Village, Hamilton, Ontario http://loudawgs.com/Hamilton/
March 30th, The Black Wolf Smoke House, Orangeville, Ontario http://theblackwolf.ca/
February 24th, Jay Kipps & Friends, Mill Creek Pub, Orangeville, Ontario https://themillcreekpub.ca/Orangeville/
February 8th, Jay Kipps Solo show at Mochaberry, Orangeville, Ontario https://mochaberry.ca/
January 17th, BirgerJarl, Stockholm Sweden w/ Mind Us
November 11th, CD Release Party, Orangeville, Ontario
October 16th, Hamilton Conservatory of Art
Aug 19th. Fred Eaglesmith Charity PickNick. Catfish Creek Conservation Area. Jay Kipps solo guesting with The Vaudevillian
Aug 26th. Bushstock Music Festival in Norfolk County. Lakeside Vista
August 7th, Halifax Busker Fest
July 8th. Cherry Fest, Hosted by Cherry Park Neighbourhood Association. Kitchener Ontario. Set starts at 4:00
July 26th, Mochaberry, Orangeville
July 16th, Orangeville Rotary Rib Fest.
June 24th, Islandpolozaq, Island Lake Conservation Area Floating Stage
June 10th, Mochaberry, Orangeville
June 3rd, Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival. Jay Kipps solo in front of Mochaberry
June 2nd, Orangeville Blues & Jazz Festival, Blues Cruise. East end of town under Mr. Lawrence Orange.
Sets are 5:45-6:30 and 7:15-8:00
May 6th, Mochaberry, Orangeville
April 7th, Jay Kipps Band w/ The Discarded, BVR, Orangeville, Ontario
April 6th, Mochaberry, Orangeville
March 17th, The Horseshoe, Jay Kipps solo guesting w/ Connor Gains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=580D2DuCm7M
March 16th, The Dakota Tavern, Jay Kipps solo guesting w/ The Vaudevillian's
March 16th, Lees Palace, Jay Kipps Solo Guesting with The Terrible & The Horribles
February 25th, Mobster Ball, Guest w/ The Vaudevillian, Spice Factory, Hamilton, Ontario
August 10th, Erin Farmers Market, Erin, Ontario